Creative evidence, endeavors, and thoughts which support me as a Mixed Media Quilt Artist.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Tai Chi, Marbling, and a Red Dot
In light of my morning plans for tai chi not happening I thought I'd let you know what is going on in the studio and art wise with me.
I've settled on marbling on fabric as my seasonal exploration. It is my long-range hope that it will pair nicely with paper lamination. I downloaded the Interweave video with Jo Fitsell and got busy last week. First results/first layers were disappointing with lots of sinking colour in the "size" made with careengenan. The video below shows the first attempt which I've since gone back over with a 2nd layer.
So far I've tried floating golden fluid acrylics (as per Jo Fitsell's suggestion), pebeo textile paint, tsukineko ink, FW acrylic ink, and airbrush paint. The tsukineko ink gave me the best float with quite a bit of sinking with the others. It seems to be a crap shoot to get the right mix of "size" and the thinning of the colour in order for it to float across the top of the size. This week I'm going to try walnut ink and india ink. It is the results that are propelling me on. I love the stone patterns and that is what I want a stash of. The one thing for sure I've learned thus far is that it is better to start with fabric that has color than all white.
(said in Ed Sullivan's voice), Now for my really big news ...(switch back to my voice) I SOLD THE BOATS PIECE! YES! YES! YES! I wanted to include the picture of the red dot with this post, but I just couldn't wait any longer. And to add to the significance of this, it was approximately a year ago that I started it the day after Troy Davis' execution by the state of Georgia and the anniversary of his death has just passed. The exhibit is still up until Oct. 2 and open daily M-F from 11:30-1:00 or by appt.
Now for this tai chi you mother and I started last Thursday at a senior's center. I've wanted to do this forever but the classes are always costly. At the center, it is FREE and held twice a week. So off we went and had the best time! The instructors are kind, patient, and funny, and one of them was an instructor I took karate from when I was 14! Mama and I were both so uncoordinated. For a few days afterwards I noticed that the knots in my upper back and shoulders were gone.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Whew, what a summer is has been! So singly focused on preparations for the exhibit that forming complete sentences over something other than any topic unrelated, ceased. I was getting a bit concerned. The moment of "okay, I think I'm back to me again" came as soon as I got in my car after hanging the exhibit with Elmer Lucille Allen and Randy Weber the Thursday before the opening. And every morning since then I wake feeling rejuvenated and that is even before a cup of java!
Often I sit back and marvel at the people in and around my life and thank God for what is a beautiful coat of friendships and blessings. I meditate on this frequently. Doing so reconnects me to hope and a feeling to not "panic" in the face of Crazy and Chaos that wants to insert as Normal in the affairs of humanity. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, who came to the opening Friday reflected this in my life. There was a steady stream of visitors for the 4 a few would leave, a few would arrive, which allowed me to spend time with everyone talking about the art work. I face my limitations and awkwardness when trying to work through a room of a group of people so in my mind, the evening went as it was intended to show the best me possible. This also allowed Elmer Lucille to take photos of me with everyone who came and in turn I have a great photo documentation of my very first exhibit opening.
To illustrate and share what I mean...Penny Sisto, her husband Dick Sisto, and Beth Schnellenberger were the first to arrive and for me it signaled that all was in order for a great evening. Penny and Dick are cultural ambassadors and Beth and I are members of LAFTA.
Often I sit back and marvel at the people in and around my life and thank God for what is a beautiful coat of friendships and blessings. I meditate on this frequently. Doing so reconnects me to hope and a feeling to not "panic" in the face of Crazy and Chaos that wants to insert as Normal in the affairs of humanity. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, who came to the opening Friday reflected this in my life. There was a steady stream of visitors for the 4 a few would leave, a few would arrive, which allowed me to spend time with everyone talking about the art work. I face my limitations and awkwardness when trying to work through a room of a group of people so in my mind, the evening went as it was intended to show the best me possible. This also allowed Elmer Lucille to take photos of me with everyone who came and in turn I have a great photo documentation of my very first exhibit opening.
To illustrate and share what I mean...Penny Sisto, her husband Dick Sisto, and Beth Schnellenberger were the first to arrive and for me it signaled that all was in order for a great evening. Penny and Dick are cultural ambassadors and Beth and I are members of LAFTA.
The next day I received this email from Penny---
Dear Karoda, I loved seeing your new pieces..especially ones seen in progress on your was unusual for Richard to come with me but when he heard that it was you and that Elmer ran the gallery he wanted to come..
Your work is amazingly complex and mysterious, it draws you in and is deeply satisfying..that is not easy to accomplish in fabrics..your stitching floors me..looks as though small fairy fingers had stitched it! the hieroglyphics are brilliant..
Elmer, thank you for the gallery, it was so inspiring to see it ..It was hung with space for each piece..Elmer, I admire you so much, there seems to be nothing that you cannot are such a beacon in a world that seems at times to have gone mad..
Both of you..I am so lucky to know you..
Congratulations on the show...
A few days before the opening I, as Fate would have it, I met Ramona Lindsey. She was wondering around Mellwood and I acting in an unofficial capacity as a Mellwood ambassador asked her if she was looking for something specific or just browsing around (Mellwood is a maze of a building so its always a great question to ask to strike up conversation).
The back story is that Ramona has been away from Louisville for 15 years and only relocated back here 2 weeks ago and IS A FIBER ARTIST! Now as large as Mellwood is, I could have very well missed meeting this kindred spirit, but at the right moment it all came together. Ramona was juried into THE Saint James Art Fair, which is always in the top 5 of art and craft festivals in the nation and is known for the buying crowd and collectors in attendance. (Congrats to you!) Check out more of Ramona's work at her website.
As for the rest of September, I'm taking it easy outside of the studio and my main goal is to start volunteering for the reelection of President Obama. Also, I've committed to setting up and sharing a booth with 2 other artists at the Good Folk Festival the first weekend in November.
I have more to share but as porky pig would say "thats all folks".
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Swatching it!
Well, well, well...look who is swatching! The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater. This will be my first knitted ...

echo and wondered where the sound was coming from? That would have been me followed by gasping, then more screaming, with my hand spread ov...
Most of my handiness goes into the making of art that when it comes time to get it properly photographed, hung, and even submitted to exhibi...