Waiting for a decision...
Creative evidence, endeavors, and thoughts which support me as a Mixed Media Quilt Artist.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Love the cloth?
Yes, she said. Then you must not despise the iron, said the peasant-woman to her post pubescent girl-self.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Gone quilting
It took me a few hours of piddlin' and conversatin' with friends and a lunch break, but this is how quilting gets done.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
For filling small...
amounts of time and for settling the mind down from over-thinking and relaxing the breath, slow cloth is good medicine
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Good kind of heebie jeebies.
I am wanting to undertake a project that causes me to get the heebie jeebies when I think about it. I've pondered it for some time as in years and actually did a preliminary sketch for the first one.
I want to make a series of quilts inspired and based on the novels of Toni Morrison! Similiar to how August Wilson wrote a play for each decade of the 20th century.
The presence of me talking out loud here on my blog translates to me becoming more obsessed about it.
What frightens me is how large I envision each quilt...it would mean working with larger than comfortable size quilts and risk completing a top only to mess it up in the quilting. I could hand quilt or have a long armer take that on but I think the stitching is too important for this project considering I don't know a long armer who shares a twin mind with me.
If I took it on, it would be a soul/sole devotion and leave little room for little else inside my studio.
Another question I posed to myself was 'would all the quilts gave to be the same in process'; all applique, painted, image transfers, combination, half the series one process, the other half another process.
One thing I do know for sure is if it has haunted me thid long, I probably need to at least start on the first one.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Studio night
This piece which started out with the title "double minded" is morphing, quite unexpectedly, into "mirrors at the funhouse" where how easily I laugh at being creeped out by my image being distorted.
Don't have much to say beyond that...
Friday, October 4, 2013
Studio morning
I'm sitting here drinking a cup of McD's coffee and flipping through a sketchbook. I don't recall referencing this sketch for The Midwife, but I think it would make a solid companion to it. She would be The Nuturer.
Swatching it!
Well, well, well...look who is swatching! The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater. This will be my first knitted ...

echo and wondered where the sound was coming from? That would have been me followed by gasping, then more screaming, with my hand spread ov...
Most of my handiness goes into the making of art that when it comes time to get it properly photographed, hung, and even submitted to exhibi...