My parent's house has been and continues to be a station of transition for many in our family and is continuing to be for her grand-daughter and great-grand-daugther, the latter who is inseperable from my Mama's lap. Mama has never been a cooing-cawing type of grandmother and if anything a serious pragmatism has always characterized her but this one great-grand daughter has her wrapped around her about mellowing with age.
Sunday we were there for dinner and basketball games (hey, i'm not a sports fan, but i can play along) and it hit me, not that it hasn't before, but not with such resolve that this would be a great solution...i'm going to set up a studio in their basement! Yesyesyes! its a good size basement and the only activity that takes place is laundry down there. It is stuck in early 70's remodel job that Daddy never finished and has a cave like quality because the panelling is dark but Mama said she didn't care what I did with it (talk about mellowing with age) I'm going to paint everything white including the concrete floor...but first I have to move out large items that are stored there including an old upright piano (a throwback to my piano lessons) a 60's stereo console (a throwback to my parent's parties where I first heard jazz and blues) a couch and other cast-off furniture pieces...the biggest challenge will be not to get sentimental by the memories that all the items will elicit and be tempted to keep them. I'm going to craigslist the console stereo and the piano, prolly for free for pick-up. I've already starting looking for organizational stuff and mats to buffer the impact of the concrete floor. I'm going to take before and after photos but have set the date for it to be completed by the end of May. I'm still going to take my daily month long art retreat in April simply because I desperately need it!