Thursday, March 27, 2008

No more studio updates until

mid-week of next week (hopefully)...for me, its from the bed, to the bathroom, to the computer...i have bronchitis and am trying to by-pass another stay in the least i can catch up on the blogs, even find some new ones, and read some online news sources...

i read that the studio issue by CPS will hit the stands April 1st...this gives me something to really look forward to when i'm back up and out...i get such a kick out of going into Borders to pick up my magazines.  i also ordered (in a state of physical lethargy but mental aerobics) a book on setting up a quilt studio which i hope is worth the salt...i can't recall the name of it now and am not feeling inclined to go check it. 



  1. Now, that's the pits! To get knocked down when you're on a roll. With this forced "time out", I hope a few brilliant ideas for your studio space come to you.

  2. The set up book is a good idea. While you are resting and getting better you can make plans and visualize your work space. Sometimes slowing down a little can help with plans in the long. Still, I am sorry you are not well. I have been checking in here often - just a member of your hallelujah chorus, watching the progress....

  3. I hope you beat this soon and get back to the studio. Gute Besserung!

  4. I hope your self-imposed 'TLC' works out for you.
    Take care of yourself,

  5. Yes it is a drag but our bodies do have a way of demanding their due. Mental aerobics - yes, I know about those have been having a lot of them lately.

  6. I hope you feel better soon- but take advantage of the downtime, you can stll be 'working' on the studio. Make some plans for the layout- several, if you're up to it. And I hope you have folks to help you when it comes to the setup and moving!
    You gave me a good idea in your blog posts about the studio, I have a concrete floor in the 'wet' part of mine. Some days my legs feel it, so now I'm going to look for the mats you talked about. As long as water and dye can't hurt 'em, they should be great.

  7. I get so upset when I hear that you are subjected to bed rest. Get well! We want to see Karoda art.

  8. Sending healing thoughts your way! You probably just worked a little too hard on this project and need time to rest and recover.
    Your new studio is looking awesome already! Jen


Swatching it!

Well, well, well...look who is swatching!  The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater.  This will be my first knitted ...