Why didn't someone tell me just how good The Book of Eli is! It has to be that once rare blue moon that I take a hankering to go to the movies but on a spur of the moment Peter and I decided to go Saturday night...the intention was to see Avatar but it only showed once and we had missed it. I sat there for most of the movie asking myself "where is this going?"...the story line is not new (hero set out to save the world) but OH WHAT HAPPENED IN THE LAST 10-15 minutes of the movie had me howling!!!! (okay, i didn't really howl but surpressed it...although i had great difficulty understanding why the audience was so sedate because it definitely should have been a communal howling experience!) In my surpressed howl, it was one of those howls when 10,000 ancestors show up and raise their glasses to toast! Timeless wisdom came through and the story found its soul!!!!! The story has stayed with me...issues of commitment, faith, education, sight, power,...I awoke Sunday morning with the movie on my mind after dreaming about interviewing Denzel on why he took the role. In the dream he said something about his own career being a walk of faith and he wanted to remind young people including his own children about what it means to be committed. (My nephew Eric may not know how to choose a college basketball team but his recommendations for movies has improved greatly!)
In The Basement last week I kicked in a few hours...practiced fmq and fme as part of The Learning Curve curriculum and on Friday, just before leaving, I painted this cauldron. It was a photo printed on fabric that didn't print well due to ink heads needing to be cleaned. Its been in the scrap pile for weeks. I picked it up and taped it to the table and selected paints and started playing...not too much forethought (less damage that way)...but looking at it this morning I'm thinking my Crow piece might morph into Crows and Cauldrons.
Anaya remains in NICU. If her respirations stay down for the next couple of days she will come home. She is filling out and looking good. She only weighed 6lbs and 2ozes when she was born...I'm so use to 8 pounders that 6 sounded small to me. Deep down, I know that everything has its place and is in order. Hugs to those who have sent blessings and prayers.