Thanks to Cindy and Anna, commentors in the previous post, for identifying the flower. There is even a North American Dianthus Society. The plant sits in the pot next to my chair on the balcony and I think we're developing a relationship. Its been talking to me...a couple of days ago I snapped it's picture and today I spoke back. I'm not a gardener but is this some type of gardening spirituality? I'm kinda half joking but its my way of expressing how I'm connecting with this flower, whose name translates to "divine flower" and the common name for the one I have is Sweet William. (see, I know something today that I didn't know when I woke up this morning, pretty darn cool, eh?!)
This is how I spent my afternoon...discharging with bleach pen and discharge paste oustide with a slight breeze (and low humidity) blowing. The beach pen didn't bother me outside...the last time I tried it I was inside at MACA and couldn't use it. The results with the bleach pen didn't wasn't satisfactory for the effort but I loved the discharge paste results last time and this time. The piece that is waiting to be finished is the piece I'm using to work through exercise #1 in the back of Complex Cloth.
Also, I'm coming close to making a decision between keeping stock of "fabric paints" and using thickened dyes for painting fabric. I'm keep looking at the sample I started with Hollis Chatlelain and I really prefer the richness of the dye paints. It also would cut down on shelving supplies that I use with less frequency. And this is solely an opinion formed by the not-so-deep layer of my brain but it seems cheaper to me to use dyes instead of fabric paints.
Oh my...this post has been interrupted by the content of the package my dd just handed me...I ordered this book for one of my oldest and dearest sistah friend's for her birthday...and I'm gasping...dammit, I think I'm going to have to get me one also! I first saw it at the home of Crystal Wilkinson and nearly caught the holy ghost. Now that Mary's copy for her birthday is resting in my lap I can feel the spirit rising again...I betta go call her and let her know I have something for her birthday...decreases the chance that I will keep it for myself.
Ummm, all the content in this post is queing me that some Afrophysics is occuring close by...