Friday, May 16, 2008

Ms Z and me

Dscn3087 I took a workshop from the noted teacher Ms Z and here she is making a critique.

Dscn3088 It was tough but I came away with the distinct impression that she was very pleased with my work.  If you get the chance to take a workshop from her, be prepared to hear the hard truth and don't let her cuteness fool you.



  1. lol
    I have dial up so I read the words before the images showed up and was thinking "Who is this Ms Z?" I was imagining pictures of someone critiqueing while you stood looking. Too funny! Man, she is adorable. I would love a critique from her! I am definitely fooled by the cuteness,

  2. I love all of your work Karen. I don't get to the group as much as I used to so I miss seeing you in person. I come to the blog regularly - love Miss Z!!!

  3. Ms. Z is so gorgeous that it doesn't matter if she's a tough critic.
    She probably gets away with everything; I know she would if she were mine!

  4. Oh, add Ms. Z to my list of must meets!!

  5. Ms. Z seems to know her stuff. I especially like the 2nd photo where she seems to be asking a question about the why's of that particular piece. Ms. Z is way tooooooooo cute!

  6. These prayers help me to keep God in my life, especially with the many distractions I encounter.8

  7. Hi, good morning to all of you.Your site is very interesv


Swatching it!

Well, well, well...look who is swatching!  The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater.  This will be my first knitted ...