Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Piddlin'

Yesterday I sat down and ripped unprimed canvas for what I thought would be the beginning of my first fabric book but after painting them, I started seeing small quilts.  I kept telling myself there will be time for that later and just play with getting a book made.  This is where I left it.  Since Saturday I'm been physically run down with a fibro-flare...it feels like a tooth ache, swollen gums but all over my body. In spite of feeling not my best I made it to the gym to walk (sllllllllooooooooowly) on the treadmill and to pedal (sllllllooooooooooowly) on the reclining bike.  Having been spurred by Juanita's discipline and my oldest son's workout, I've gone all of 4 times since Monday a week ago.  Today is a designated rest day but I did manage to meet the carpenter this morning who will convert a table for me into a sewing table.  He will actually do the work tomorrow on the table I found on Craigslist...the source for most of my workshop furniture. 


I think quilts with canvas is in my future.  I like the texturized look of the canvas and the weight of the drape...kinda heavy and slow moving like me.  I have a yard of hemp that I've been saving for years and hope that working with the canvas will give me the courage to use the hemp...the texture is there but the drape is comparatively lighter than canvas. 

Speaking of lighter, I took advantage of the break in last weeks weather and went to get my head shaved...(with a new barber, I always feel like I'm cheating on Rolando who has cut my hair for 20 years).  He did a fabulous job and then I even went to get my brows waxed using a gift card I had forgotten about, suki suki now!...These 2 things do wonders for my disposition, I tell ya! But alas, it did turn damp and gray again...but at the moment I can see the sun is trying to shine...but I'm off to take a nap.


very close crop!!!!!


pieces of painted canvas, experimenting with various paints...


  1. I like the canvas look, too. Go for it. Can't wait to see you at your new sewing table. I am using Craig's list to find a new puppy!!

  2. Before he cuts!! I am right handed .My machine drops into the table about 14 inches from the right side. If I had it to do over I would make it 20" just because I have a multitude of tools, etc. in various small containers just to the right of the machine and could use a little more room there. I see you have a 6500..be sure your woodman knows you need to access the front for the knee lift and the feed dog drop when he designs the cradle.


Swatching it!

Well, well, well...look who is swatching!  The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater.  This will be my first knitted ...