Yesterday we (Ade and I) finally got my supplies back into the studio. The weather improved over the weekend but its predicted to turn nasty on Tuesday. The studio is a 240 sq. feet of MESS! but it felt soooo good just to be in the space even though I wasn't there even long enough to take my coat off. On our way out I ran into a new tenant, Don, and chatted his head off. I'm a fairly reserved laid back person but there is something that happens to me when I'm inside Mellwood...I have these spells where I become a chatty cathy...when it happens I'm totally comfortable, but it always makes me notice myself because it is out of the ordinary for me. Anyway, Don is a painter, who has a corner studio with wonderful natural light. Mellwood has started a blog.
I also made it to hear Jane Dunnewold give a juror talk (she juried the LAFTA exhibit there) at the Patio Gallery in the Jewish Community Center with Mo and Petra in tow. It was a great crowd but not so much so that it prevented me from introducing myself. I identified with her perspectives on art-making and I have my fingers crossed that this will not be Jane's last visit to Louisville. She is teaching her second workshop today and tomorrow on lamination. I didn't feel the need to take that since that is what I did last year at the Crow barn and that is what I've been doing since my return. The exhibit itself is one of the most well selected exhibits I've ever seen and had me questioning my relation with answers...but it is a "bright" exhibit and I see my own work as "subdued". But I'm always reaching for intensity in colour which I don't think I've achieved yet.
As for making a prediction to returning to doing what I do at either the basement or the studio, I'm refraining. I'm going to try to be loose enough to go when the weather is less threatening to me health-wise and be satisfied with that 'til the season breaks. I'm still collaging and sketching and working through some of the exercises from The Learning Curve Curriculum here at home. Now that I'm home alone during the day I've been spending a lot of time travelling the 'net on all subjects that interest me, genealogy, furniture painting, junking, cooking, photography...whatever strikes my fancy for the day. Here is a recommendation from my travels: The 1st Annual of Iranian Contemporary Art. My personal favorites from this collection are the works by Hamed Behrozkar and Raheleh Filsoofi.
"Art thrives in constraint but dies of liberty." - André Gide.