Friday, February 25, 2005

The Last Friday in February

Untitled2 Golden Leaf...and below are the altered images of a morning glory that I mentioned 2 posts down.Dscn0432  They're a little scary to me.



  1. You know I'm a sucker for leaves, so "golden leaf" is right up my alley! I love the color play, colors I wouldn't have envisioned working together (my mental palette is rather boring) and I agree about the orange square in the right corner.. it just sets it off, makes the eye wander/connect. Karoda, just get used to me praising your stuff, because to a person that can't manage a stitch, let alone making it "art", your work is truly amazing. (it's not smoke) ;) Now the morning glories....hmmm.. I swear I've seen those suckers after a night of flirting with alcohol poisoning. I like the idea, only I'm wondering if you can switch the colors to something more pastel or watercolor?? I think you'd need a more flamboyant/bold flower to handle the LSD coloration :p 'course it all depends on what time of day you catch me..right now the red one is kinda growing on me! LOL
    REST...and quilt of course ;)

  2. Hi - as far as getting fabric to hold it shape... it depends on the project and how long you want it to hold the shape, how strong you need it to be, etc. I know that starch (laundry or even kitchen cornstarch) will work. I think that kitchen start would have to be diluted and cooked to "activate" the glue effect. When I was younger, my grandmother used to crochet small doilies as christmas ornaments. I want to say she made a strong sugar solution to soak them in and when they dried they were very stiff. However, I think maybe those can be prone to humidity and the idea of sugar just makes me think of ants. Another way... I have read about using wallpaper paste to stiffen freeform sculpted fabric lampshades. You can buy it at the local DIY store in a powder form and play with how thick to mix it. It should dry pretty hard I imagine. Good luck!


Swatching it!

Well, well, well...look who is swatching!  The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater.  This will be my first knitted ...