Saturday, April 9, 2005

Guilty Pleasures...

Before you think I've not been doing a thing QR, I promise I have pics forthcoming of 4 wips and I'll get to post them just as soon as LP works out the kinks in the installation of Beyond TV software program on the other computer. 

But in the meantime, I'll talk about guilty pleasures that Diane asked about....ummmm, I'm still thinking....ummmmm....I guess for the short amount of time I feel guilty about something, it would have to be taking a vacation day or two when the kids are in school and LP is at work.  I'm so seldom home alone and I really do love feels so self-indulgent to enjoy the hours from 7am-3pm without much tv, unimaginative music, the phone not ringing, the banter of siblings, and so on.  Just house sounds, birds outside, the wisping sound as I roll from one side of the bed to the other, my music, and just the sound of doing what ever I do.  When I'm home alone I actually enjoy doing the laundry!  Being home all by myself truly feels like a little gift to myself so like I said the guilt that I feel is short and brief.


  1. I love that too! But for me it's a necessity, not a guilty pleasure...I go nuts after a bit if I don't have some time to myself!

  2. I love a quiet day alone at home. The silence helps me to still my thoughts and allow inspiration to come through. I never understand folks who have to have sometype of noise all of the time. Sometimes you really need the quiet.


Swatching it!

Well, well, well...look who is swatching!  The plan (here goes...) is to knit my grand daughter a sweater.  This will be my first knitted ...